Bethesda Shalom

The Vessel God Uses – Paul M. Williams



2 Timothy 2:20-21 As one looks within the Body of Christ today at large, no matter which direction one casts their sight to look, one thing very readily becomes apparent, namely this, want of vessels for the service of the King!  Where are the vessels of honour? Where are the vessels of use?  It’s not any vessel that is of use to God but, “...a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use”.  Even the very standards of the world would allow for the same.  What diplomat sitting at the table of royalty, has food served to them on paper plates?  Why the best bone china is kept in reserve for such an occasion!  Which guest attending a state banquet, is served wine in plastic beakers?  Rather, the best glassware is brought out for such regal events. Are you one such vessel of use?  A vessel unto honour, meet for the Master’s use?  May the Lord minister to your heart and prepare you as such for His glory!