Medical Medium Podcast

029 Eating & Confused: Trying To Use Food To Heal



Do we listen to our body? Or are we just listening to our consciousness? Is our consciousness conditioned to choose the foods our body doesn’t want to eat? Does our body want the same foods our consciousness wants? No one should be judged upon what they are eating. In today’s harsh world it’s easy to lean on comfort foods and use them as a drug to get by. At the same time, we kind of are aware that our body really doesn’t want ice cream, chicken fingers, cheesy pasta, cheeseburgers, pizza, and chocolate. And what about our stomachs, do our stomachs want the same choices of food we want? Do our stomachs want beer and barbecue, chicken wings, cakes and cookies, donuts, macaroni and cheese, crab cakes and tuna fish sandwiches? Do our stomachs understand the term moderation and what our brainwashed conception of moderation is? Let’s face it, there is a huge disconnect between our mind and body, and many people go through life believing that their body is telling them what it really wants when it comes to food and