Shepherd Of The Desert Podcast

This We Believe Week 1 | 11th September Audio Sermon



What we believe can be an unbelievably divisive conversation.  Not impolite.  Not inconsiderate.  Not antagonistic.  But divisive.  The conviction of the pastoral staff of Shepherd and the Bible itself is this: As many people live in the world, as many convictions and worldviews exist as well.  Whenever you talk to another human being about eternal, spiritual, fundamental matters, you are having a divisive conversation.  With this awareness, in this opening message for our "This We Believe" Fall 2022 worship series, Pastor Scott Seidler steps cautiously into a conversation about right and wrong, good and bad, whether in thought, by words or in behavior.  But always with the confidence that in spite of many shortcomings we worship with joy a God who says, "With me you will always find grace and a warm welcome."