Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Transform Your Life With One Question



There’s no time to wait according to this week’s guest on Life Interrupted Radio. On this episode, Sharon Sayler welcomes Gail Jessen, founder and chief adventurer at A Series of Adventures.As a coach and fire starter, Gail's calling is helping people radically change their life by asking one question: How do you want to feel? Her work focuses on clarity, permission, and freedom, encouraging people to transform life as they know it and choose their own adventure. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid, she committed to deconstruct her life and rebuild it on her terms. She left her career of 15-years to travel the world indefinitely, beginning her journey with a one-way ticket to Bali. In this intriguing Life Interrupted Radio show, Gail will share with you:How to find the golden pockets of transformation hiding in your life. Your misalignments and stuck points are actually divine treasure maps that point to your greatest transformation opportunities.A new paradi