Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Life Interruption Ripples: What to do when your life is interrupted by someone



What to do when your life is interrupted by someone else’s interruption…. In this episode of Life Interrupted Radio, we explore with Judith Sugg, Ph.D. how to deal with life interruptions that are out-of-our-control due to what I call “Life Interruption Ripples.” Judith will share with us actionable techniques to deal with the true-life issues and far-reaching effects that the Dalai Lama addresses in his quote: “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” Judith will show us how to:Reframe and reverse obstructing thoughts and emotions,Refocus your energy and behaviors,Re-commit to what is important and compelling in your life. You will hear her compelling personal story of love and a Life Interruption Ripple when her husband had to fulfill his commitment to his aging parents and from her book and program “Families Recovering Together Against All Odds” designed to assist family members of problem gamblers. Join us Friday nigh