Folktales For Grownfolks

The Lion, The Fox, & The Ass



Join the show tonight for a classic lesson in the dynamics of power. See how the fox, and the ass reacts to oppression. Always remember to ask yourself which animal describes you in the story. Of course we will get to what this lesson demonstrates for those groups that are in oppressive situations, but I can not wait to hear your thoughts and comments. Join us and listen @ if you are bold enough call in and join the conversation 614-556-4535.For those wo want to read this amazing story in advance here is a link: the way the moral of the story is" happy is the man that learns from the misfortune of others". How true is this and how have you used this wisdom in your life? Have you been a lesson for others? either way cll in and share. We have powerful life changing discussion about these folktales hope your are there to do some "wisdom mining".