
Episode 84 | Part 2: Someone you follow on social media



Talk about someone you follow on social media. Please say -who the person is -why you follow him/her -what content he/she posts on social media -and explain why you find him/her interesting I have only recently started following celebrities and other public figures on social media. Up until now I reserved “following” and “friending” only for people I actually knew. However, I learned of an American woman who moved to this country some years ago and I have begun following her. Her name is Mary and she is a chef. I have been told she has a cooking show in the US which features cuisine from this country, Greece. I have never seen the show, but on social media she posts dishes she prepares with fresh, local produce, delicious cheeses, fish and meat. It intrigues me that a woman from across the pond has learned everything she can about our cuisine here and then presents it to her audience thousands of miles away. She generally advocates a healthy diet and lifestyle and through her foods, takes us back to simpler t