Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

371 - Systemic Thinking Moves WellBeing



Systems thinking is an essential leadership skill.  Systems are all around us and we have learned to shield ourselves from individual and even collective responsibility by placing it under the column called systemic: systemic violence, systemic racism, systemic misogyny, etc.. As leaders we can do better than hiding our opportunities to grow and learn in this way. In thinking about it I landed on systemic thinking and the mastery and discipline Peter Senge and his team of researchers at MIT outline in various books and articles. When we think in systems we find ways to solve the problems created by and in systems. Isn't that our core responsibility as leaders? Walk with me and we'll explore how to expand your agency by building efficacy, optimism and imagination. Be fiercely responsible and accountable in meaningful ways. Build the capacity to examine your own thinking to turn every challenge into growth for a career and life you love. How will examining your own thinking processes improve your own feelin