Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP388 Citizen Leadership with Eil Crane



Our guest today is Eli Crane. Eli is a Former Navy SEAL and is running for elected office as the Congressional U.S. House of Representatives in AZ-2 to unseat Democrat Representative Tom O’Halleran. Eli is an America First candidate who is pro-life, pro-second amendment, and has the courage to take a stand against cancel culture and the radical left. Eli is a husband, a father, a veteran, an entrepreneur and a man of faith. 1) You have won the AZ Primary in your run for the Congressional U.S. House of Representatives in AZ-1 to unseat Democrat Representative Tom O’Halleran. What is the current state of the 2022 Race? 2) By many assessments things across the US are a mess. Inflation, porous borders, pronoun issues. But, it can’t be all bad news, can it? From your perspective, what is the state of the nation? 3) What is your take on the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago? If the Feds will raid a former President’s home, what could they do to ordinary families? 4) Piggybacking on the previous question. The Government wanti