Who Killed Theresa?

Three of a Perfect Pair - #15 WKT6



"Have you ever played Clue? This is a detective game that asks participants to discover the murderer, the location, and the murder weapon. The results can be:“Miss White did it in the library with the candlestick!” or “I accuse Colonel Mustard of the murder; he did it in the kitchen with a knife!” or “I suspect Miss Scarlett, in the lobby, with the revolver!” and so on.In the coroner’s inquest into the murder of Carole Fecteau and those of Raymond Grimard and Manon Bergeron, one sometimes has the impression of being at the heart of an enigma where the avenues seem endless because of the many twists and turns."“Les trois meurtres: avenues sans fin”, La Tribune, 16 Septembre, 1978For more information please visit the website: www.theresaallore.com