Who Killed Theresa?

Father Jean Salvail The Biker Priest of Sherbrooke, Quebec #6 WKT6



In 1969 The Dirty Reich motorcycle club of Sherbrooke officially changed their name to The Gitans at a general assembly meeting held that spring. The event was covered in the June 19, 1969 edition of La Tribune as if reporting on a matter of governmental business in Quebec parliament. It would take some time, La Tribune dutifully noted, for members to produce new crests which would cost the club $500 - could their treasury bear the expense! There was a long discussion of simply patching over and joining Le Quebecois MC in neighboring Granby, this would solve the problem, as it was argued of "Dirty Reich" not being French enough -though the name certainly had an old-world European feel to it. In the end a majority vote won the day, and The Gitans were born.For more information please visit the website: https://theresaallore.com/2022/02/13/father-jean-salvail-the-biker-priest-of-sherbrooke-quebec/