Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Authoring an authentic book to spotlight your knowledge



It is very easy to write a book and very easy to publish a book these days. It is also very easy to get it up on Amazon. However, it is not as easy to write a good book and it is not as easy to write an authentic and authoritative book. Authoring an authentic book to spotlight your knowledge is the title of The FSG Messaging and Optics Podcast Wait What Really OK S6.E08.N111 hosted by Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman. If you are looking to write a book rooted in the authenticity and authority to spotlight what you know, consider some of these thoughts and ideas in this podcast. This podcast is not focused on discouraging anyone from writing a book. If you have a book in you that represents your authenticity, your authority and your knowledge, by all means, write that book. But, if you are trying to write a book for only hype, promotional and marketing reasons, writing a book, might not be for you. Remember, Weisman says..“Publishing a book does not make you an authority or an expert. Authorship d