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Biography Shirley Ann has a gift. Her passion is to interact with adolescents - encouraging and inspiring them to listen for their destiny and answer their calling. As an Author, motivational speaker and successful entrepreneur, she is fulfilling her vision and making a difference in transforming lives around her. What if you were 11 years old and lost your mother and were told that you would never amount to anything? Do you have teens that feel this way or do you know teens that do not believe they can accomplish anything they set their mind to but want to learn that they are here to fulfill their true destiny? Reaching your true destiny is what makes us happy in life. Shirley Ann reaches out to adolescents that are overwhelmed by people around them and is successful in reversing that negative energy into positive reinforcement. Despite the loss of her own mother at age 11, and as a teenage mother herself, she chose to live her life by contributing positively and making lemonade out of lemons. Martin-Flowers