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LIVE IT UP WIT YVETTE WILSON BENTLY - EPISODE 334 ON and Jerry Royce Live!Author Yvette Wilson Bentley - Book: Thirst No More: A Woman's Journey to Restoration [Kindle Edition] A native of Louisville, KY, Yvette Wilson Bentley has always enjoyed creative writing but it wasn't until recent years that she decided to pursue an active career as an author. ENHANCING THE JOURNEY was Yvette's freshman publication in early 2012. Yvette quickly became an avid learner and embraced each component of the publishing process from start to finish which has solidified her foundation as an author as well as a literary entrepreneur. Yvette founded her own publishing company, Wryte Type Publishing in 2014 and published her next title, "Thirst No More: A Woman's Journey to Restoration" in early 2015 which debuted on Amazon’s Top 100 in the Biography & Memoir Short Read Division as well as the Top Five in Amazon’s New Releases in the same category for the first five days of its release. In October 2014, Yv