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EPISODE 155 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!BOOK - SINFUL SECRETS (AUTHOR M'HOGANY)OMG…you’ve got to read this book! I am so glad I got it! I truly enjoyed reading every page, every sentence, and every word! Cleverly written with a perfect balance of real-life scenarios, excitement and mystery; this is a MUST-HAVE for everyone’s collection. Its colorful characters will draw you in and keep you engaged from beginning to end. I guarantee you will find yourself relating every personality in this book with someone you know, and associate your life with some of its scenes. With all the elements required for a great read, I highly recommend getting this book. Plus, the end will have you wanting more. I cannot wait to see more work from this talented author. An ambitious young woman, born, bread, and raised in Dallas, TX, we introduce to you M'Hogany. From a very young age, she’s put thoughts to paper and let her creative side roam free. “I wasn’t like most girls keeping journals or diaries. Whatever I thought, I put to paper.