Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 139 JERRY ROYCE LIVE!BOOK - AMETHYST EYES 5.0 out of 5 stars great read for all ages Paperback- From the first moment when you are dropped right into the action, through the different developments in the story, from the emotional journey to the physical one, the book grabs hold of you and won't be put down. You get to know and like an interesting and eclectic group of people who keep you entertained and curious about them throughout the whole story. The action never stops and takes you into some unexpected directions, that, in the end, all make sense and turn this into a complete saga of one young man and his very different coming of age story. Although written for a young adult audience, I think this well written book speaks to any age, man or woman, and can be enjoyed by all. An excellent and promising debut for this new author. Can't wait for the next one!BiographyFor as long as she can remember, Debbie has been creating stories in her head. She hated to go anywhere without a pen and paper, just in