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EPISODE 138 JERRY ROYCE LIVE!BOOK - Royally Screwed (5-STARS)REVIEWER - New by Nicki.B. This book was Good from beginning to end, So many twist and turns but I kinda figured A.j. was what and who I thought he was.. the time she was a small child growing up in Chicago, IL, Nicki B. loved to write. She’d sit and pen poems and short stories, reciting them to anyone who would listen. As she aged, her poetry and short stories became more complex, some of which being published in anthologies. While continuing her education at Howard University in Washington, DC., Nicki B. continued to do what she loved while she pursued her degree. She began to write chapters and chapters of stories, sharing them with her friends for the simple enjoyment of captivating fellow readers and writers like herself. The feedback she received served as the catalyst to Nicki B.’s desires to touch readers around the world with her vas