Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




A presentation for Purple Rose Holistic Health -www.PurpleRoseHolisticHealth.comMy story is a simple one. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and one day I woke up and decided that I didn’t want to feel bad anymore, not about myself or about my life. Then, I began the process…the work necessary to change my mind, my body and my spirit…MY LIFE! And trust me; I had a lot of work to do! I was coming out of a 21-year marriage that became so emotionally and financially draining that my life was at stake because my health was in serious trouble. To add stress on top of stress, I didn’t feel good about myself and my greatest sickness was emotional eating!…and then the sun came out!Many things changed for me in positive ways! It all began with a conversation that I had with a friend who is a naturopathic doctor, which ABSOLUTELY CHANGED, my life. Everything else sort of snowballed from that. Then in May 2011, I made the decision “suddenly and immediately” to remove meat, dairy, ALL processed foods a