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EPISODE 121 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!BOOK - Still Rumbling (The Rumble Series Book 4) PAPERBACK/[Kindle Edition] 5.0 out of 5 stars Interesting Spin and Interesting Ending, September 17, 2013 BY Gran Diva (Maryland) - It's been a while since a book made me stay up late just to see what happens next, but Still Rumbling had me up until the wee hours of the morning.Rayven Skyy takes you back three years later to the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, into the lives of Milton "Milk" Woodhouse, the mother of his child, Sabrina Wright, and introduces you to Milk's younger brother, Terrell, who subsequently has a problem with keeping his hands off of other people's belongings, which in turn causes conflict between the two siblings. Milk balances being a single father to his special needs son as well as maintaining a relationship now that he has backed away from the streets with a vow never to return. Due to circumstances beyond his control, no matter how hard he tries to walk the straight and narrow path, Milk once again fi