Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 117 ON JERRY ROYCE SHOWWho am I?I am a brilliant life coach. A wise woman. A mother. A wife. A divorcee. An intuitive healer and empath. An inspirational speaker. An Author. A physical therapist. A lightworker. A truthteller. A seeker. Deeply Spiritual, but not religious. An entrepreneur. A Jamaican.I love to have fun. Read. Yoga. All things metaphysical. Dance. Sing. Create. Transform. Connect. Inspire. Watch TV.My Story:Even as I child I “knew” that life was supposed to be easy and joyful. I held this knowing deep inside even as I was told “Life is hard”, “It isn’t fair” ,”It’s not about the pursuit of pleasure”. This knowing was never lost but was suppressed as I created experiences from this place of ‘error thinking’, and conditioned belief in limitation and lack. I unconciously kept repeating the patterns I’d learned, creating lots of experiences that I learned from, but would rather not repeat thank you! :)I was born in Jamaica and my life journey has taken me to the United States, China and Eur