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EPISODE 91 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!The Heart Of Friendship (The True Vine Series) PaperbackMARGUARITA IS A MOTHER WITH TWO DAUGHTERS, A SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER., OFFICE MANAGER ... AND A WILL TO HELP TEACH TEENS ABOUT THE GLORY OF GOD WITH HER WRITING MINISTRY!ABOUT BOOK - Princess Kalissa and her family are attending the annual fall festival. In her eyes it’s just another event, that she doesn’t want to attend. She is tired of the same events, and having to pretend to be the perfect princess, until she meets a girl from the village, Sophia.Sophia and her brother Timothy change the way she, and her brother Link see others. Sophia’s family helps Kalissa’s family see why they are different from any other people Kalissa and her family have ever met. But will Kalissa’s family be stopped by other royal families? Will Kalissa find a true friendship in Sophia? Read The Heart Of Friendship, the first installment of the True Vine Series, as they find the true meaning of “friendship” and grow in their faith.