Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 88 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!Hi everyone! I’m Brandie Davis, and I am a God fearing, family oriented woman. I love spending quality time with my boyfriend, nieces and nephews, and laughing on the phone with my sister and friends. My debut novel, Renee: All Hail the Queen released in October 2012, and its sequel, Renee 2: The Protégé will release on September 24, 2013. Being a writer is who I am, it was never a choice. I enjoy penning fiction novels because it allows me to exercise my creativity. My goal is to supply readers with entertaining, drama filled books that will take them through a whirlwind of emotions. My favorite genre to read is urban fiction. The first urban fiction novel I picked up was Flyy Girl, by Omar Tyree. My favorite authors are Ashley and JaQuavis.Not only am I an author, but I am also a blogger, the founder of My Urban Books Club on Facebook, and a library employee. I am surrounded by books on a day to day basis, and on many occasions, I have been inspired to put pen to paper after w