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EPISODE 84 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!Show More​Milan Brooks, a fashion buyer with a chip on her shoulder had been through her share of men. Though, in most people’s book she’d be rated a true dime she still hadn’t been lucky enough to find one loyal man. Every man she’d dealt with had either cheated or disrespected her too much to turn back. Author extraordinaire Brittani Williams began her foray into writing by happenstance when she was required to pen a play as an assignment. It was then that Brittani discovered her unbound imagination, creativity and the escapism rooted in great literature. After much encouragement from family, friends, and co-workers alike, Brittani’s hobby became a profession in 2005 when she completed her first manuscript entitled Automatic Princess, (later renamed Daddy’s Little Girl). Within four months of her completed manuscript Brittani was signed to a two-book deal with Q-boro Books. In June 2008, Brittani released The Cathouse, a novel co-written with Anna J and Laurinda D. Brown.