Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 81 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!Lisa reads her heartwarming and personal poems, and explains her journey with her self-help weight-loss and children books. Listen&Learn on JRL!About Lisa M. EvansI am a mother of two lovely daughters. I have over ten years in the Human Services field. I recently graduated with a Masters degree in Psychology from Cleveland State University.I started Marquise Publishing February 3, 2003 to fulfill a dream of becoming a published author. I wrote my first book about a lonely hat at the age of six. My first published book Transforming a Pear into an Hourglass: A Journey from Fat to Fit was a self help book about my own personal experience with yo-yo dieting and weight loss. My second published book Emotions Personified is a collection of poems I have written from age fourteen to the present. The second edition is now available.In January 2013 I decided to relaunch Marquise Publishing and plan to publish other authors. My focus is on providing a good home for great books from