Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 77 - VALERIE MOORE IS ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!VALERIE MORE IS THE PRESIDENT AND CEO OF PURPLE ROSE EMPOWERMENT SERVICES & SOLUTIONS, LLC AND AUTHOR OF FOUR (4) EBOOKS ABOUT EATING AND LIVING HEALTHY.Purple Rose Empowerment Services & Solutions LLC is a health and lifestyle empowerment firm operating in the DMV (Delaware-Maryland_Virginia). It is a catalyst for change in the lives of women and new small business owners who are ready to engage in the process and do the necessary “hard” work to reach their goals and successfully implement life changing strategies for self improvement: mind, body and spirit!Through individual and group coaching, we empower, equip and elevate women with tools and resources that will help them successfully navigate from where they are to where they want to be. Coaching is a life changing process that will challenge belief systems, redefine life goals, uncover hidden self sabotaging thoughts and create a personalized transition plan that will emphasize those areas wher