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EPISODE 71 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!Jason Hooper has always had a knack for placing words. He started writing when he was 11 years old. He is the co-writer of urban romance "Secret Lovers" which he penned with Best Selling author La'Tonya West. He is currently hard at work on a novel titled, "My Best Friend's Wife" ( release date 4-10-14) and a number of other projects.With his first novel "Some Things Are Better Left Untold" Jason explained a story of a young, promiscuous teenager who chose to make the wrong decisions and the outcome of it all. A spin off, "Some Things Are Better Left Untold 2" is also included into this painful urban story. "That Girl" the series books 1-3 are action packed short stories. Jason tells a story of Latoya Johnson, a young woman faced with a decision of testifying in court or running from the law.With the story Royal La Familia, Hooper ventures off into the music industry when he brings a character to life named Laree Perry and allows the character to express his views of the Hip Hop