Preach Kev Preach

NFC West: The Ascension, The Hangover & The Kliff



Joined by Sami and George Jarjour ( from That Being Said Podcast listen to Kev and Rashad as they dive deep into the NFC West. Starting off with the division champs -- everyone express their concern about Gurley's health issue and can Jared Goff ascend Rams without a strong, leaned on running game. Even though the Jarjours are Seahawk fans, Kev & Rashad break the news that Seattle is a "missing the playoff" candidate. Can Pete Carroll perform another patch up job and get them into the playoffs. Later go into the 49ers and what Jimmy G and Co. can bring. Sami isn't to fond of him and says their success are all on his shoulders. Lastly, the new look Arizona Cardinals; here why the consensus is -- they just won't be good. Can they have patience this time with their coach Kliff and 1st rd pick QB Kyler Murray. Who gets the awards for this division and listen to the BOLDEST of Bold Takes. Check out the website www.preachkevpreach.comCheck out Sami and George @PodThat and catch em on an