Preach Kev Preach

NBA Wild Fire



Hot Boy Summer in full effect, this epsiode is understanding the full scope of the NBA thru the first part of July. Listen as we go thru each team who made moves in the East and in the West. Discuss how the Jazz started it off with trading of Mike Conley. How AD forced his way out of New Orleans to the Lakers. The ultimate Power Move of Kawhi Leonard to help send OKC into a full rebuild mode that also sent Russ to the Rockets. The Pacers, 76ers and Nets all making moves making the East not the Least. Later Kev makes a claim that the Denver Nuggets backcourt will be Top 5 in the league this season and we state how we love the Mavericks but they might not be ready yet. Finally, Way too Early Predictions as Rashad and Kev agree on 14 teams (8 West and 6 East) that will make the playoffs and their love of the Pistons to make it too. Now available on multiple platforms Apple Podcast: spotify:show:4eyplgQOWY8dNuyJa6O7z0Spreaker: http