Crazy Juicy Love With Jimmy Allen

29-Tavia Sharp | Dos and Dont's of On-line dating



Tavia and I get down and dirty with the Do's and Don'ts of on-line dating. We both share our experiences with on-line dating and the lessons we've learned that will change your dating adventure.  Tavia Sharp, Founder of Styled Sharp and Master Your Manhood Coaching Tavia Sharp is a Personal Stylist & Confidence Coach for men. She knows what women find attractive—or not—and she's been helping men dress their best for almost 20 years. Before launching her style consulting business four years ago, she designed menswear for some of the top brands in fashion including Calvin Klein, Nautica and Macy's. As "your style wing woman," her mission is to help good men get dateable. Whether you're someone who wants help approaching attractive women or figuring out how to land the date, making an all-star impression starts with your style—learn how to make your clothes work for you, not against you. Jimmy Alle on Instagram Jimmy Allen on Twitter Jimmy Allen on