Dr. Judy Wtf

The ABC's of Resentment



Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies." -Nelson Mandala. When we trade, it is natural to feel resentment and to have revenge fantasies of that person. IN those times it is important to have an enlightened witness to talk to so that they can act. The ABC's in resentment play out when for example: three people are friends and one friend betrays another, the betrayed persons finds out that their friend is still friends with the betrayal. This is very painful and is like a new sense of betrayal. In order to avoid the right and wrong syndrome, it is important to put principles over people. Unless principles of integrity are upheld, and especially in the cases of extreme betrayal, it is not possible to continue to be friends with that third party. Stay safe everyone. Sending you much love during this difficult time.