Ask Simply Mary

Vocal Tips to Improve Your Range



Today on Ask Simply Mary we talk about vocals and some challenges you can overcome with a few simple tips. Every artist seems to strive to be better at one thing or another. Sometimes we just want to be the best at everything, and realistically, we just can't.  Even though we can't master every single skill,  we can however, improve every single one. Let's talk about vocals today. The question: "Whenever I sing I feel most comfortable when singing low. I feel that I sound at least a bit better than when I try to sing more high like Sopranos. Is there any tips to improve my singing voice? I'm female by the way." With every single challenge we face comes effort. Sometimes there is a considerable amount of effort that it will consume and that thought in itself can inhibit us from moving forward with reaching those goals we set for ourselves as an artist, a songwriter, or any type of creator. Before we can bring to fruition those goals we so deeply desire to achieve, we need to make a conscious effort t