Ask Simply Mary

Copyright Infringement, Payola and Mic Types



Visit the blog by clicking here University Copyright Office Copyright Office Are you familiar with copyright infringement? In this episode talk about copyrights and infringement on the "Ask Simply Mary" podcast today. The above links reference copyright infringement and also link you to the copyright office so you can register your work to obtain valid copyrights. Copyright infringement is the act of violating any of the copyright owner's exclusive rights granted by the federal copyright act. There are certain elements that need to be in place for a copyright infringement to occur. This is discussed in the podcast as well. Remember there are legal penalties for copyright infringement. You need to keep your work safe and also, do not attempt to  tamper with other peoples work. It can come back to bite you! Also, today we discussed payola. It is easy for artists to think they can buy followers and spins for their music or brand to obtain fans. This my friend is called payola. This type of  "advertisi