What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#314 Tom House- Deconstructing Greatness, Taking on Parkinson's Disease & Learning from Failure



Tom House is a world-renowned expert in the biomechanics of the throwing motion. He has over 50 years of experience in Major League Baseball as a pitcher and pitching coach, and has coached Hall of Famers in baseball, football and golf, including Nolan Ryan, Greg Maddux, Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Phil Mickelson. He has a PhD, two master’s degrees and a Bachelor’s of Science, and has authored or co-authored 22 books and over 20 studies for sports and medical journals. In this episode we discuss everything he’s learned working with the greats, Tom’s framework for developing and how he’s taking on living with Parkinson’s! Tom has taken over 40 years of experience and poured it into his new revolutionary app, Mustard, makes world-class coaching and tactics used by professional athletes accessible to athletes of all ages right from their smartphone. Watch on YouTube You Unleashed Course  50% off You Unleashed is an online personal development course created by Sean DeLaney after spending years working with an inte