The Wicked Library

TPC 104: The Private Collector “The Juju that Lives in my Pocket”, by Aaron Vlek



t’s been a while since Frank Enfield has seen The Librarian. So, Frank has been spending his time seeing Brenda Ward and holding on to the strange comic book from our last episode. The Librarian told him that a special place would find him – a place where that special tome will be safe. When he meets Victoria from The Lift, he’s in for more than he bargained for. This newest episode sets the stage for a very important journey and introduces us to Mama Cartright!CreditsAuthor: Aaron Vlek Cast: Frank Enfield: Daniel Foytik | The Librarian: Nelson W. Pyles | Mama Cartwright: Erika Sanderson | Victoria: Amber Collins | The Crows / Geezers: Daniel Foytik Music and Score: “The Private Collector Theme” Nico Vettese ( Nico Vettese, of We Talk of Dreams Editors: Daniel Foytik and Nelson W. Pyles. Host / Producer / Showrunner: Daniel Foytik | Executive Producers: Aaron Vlek, Nelson W. Pyles