Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

In The Era of Women's Empowerment with Jane Finette



Jane is a passionate advocate for women and girls, a non-profit leader, and an author.In 2014 Jane founded The Coaching Fellowship (TCFS), a non-profit organization helping advance young women social change leaders and their work throughout the world.A 2020 Women Forward Gold Award winner from the Business Council for Peace, Jane’s passion, expertise, and two decades of experience is anchored at the intersection of community building and human potential.Some of her past work includes senior leadership roles in building community at global organizations such as Mozilla, eBay, Sotheby’s, and Gooru, reaching hundreds of millions of people.A leadership expert and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Jane has dedicated her life to achieving equality for women — empowering them to create impact and build the world of tomorrow, today.
Episode Summary -For the past couple of decades, we have seen a steady increase in women's empowerment.Yet there are times when women are paid less in the workplace. They oft