Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

22: Jonelle Swiger - Traveling Vineyard



Jonelle Swiger is from a quaint town in rural West Virginia and has been married to Chris for almost 12 years and together they have 2 active boys Slate 11 and Sawyer 8.   Being an exchange student to Australia sparked a lifetime love of travel and eventually led her to become the travel manager for Mylan Pharmaceuticals.  Shortly after getting married, she and her husband started a pipeline business together in 2004.  Her heart was never into the corporate lifestyle  and just last month was able to step away from the day to day operations of their business thanks to Traveling Vineyard so she could have the flexibility she’s always desired.     Since joining Traveling Vineyard the end of November 2014, she has earned the incentive trip for 2 twice, was the 2015 Rookie of the year, promoted to Director in December, has a team of 129 and has sold over $75,000 worth of wine.