Influencers Radio With Jack Mize

DeAnn Chase: How to Legally Structure Your Business for Success



In this episode, Jack talks with Business Attorney and Strategic Business Growth Expert DeAnn Chase.Starting a new business can be exciting. While it’s easy to get hyperfocused on your vision of serving customers as soon as possible, it’s important not to let this excitement distract you from planning your business properly.The way you structure your business and handle trademarks, contracts, employment issues, and real estate transactions will have an impact on everything from day-to-day operations to how you pay taxes and your personal exposure to legal risks. Making these kinds of decisions can be overwhelming, confusing, and even a bit scary, but it’s a necessary part of launching any successful business.DeAnn Chase is the founder of Chase Law Group, where she helps entrepreneurs and business owners to create proper legal structures that form the foundation for a successful business. She has practiced law for over 25 years and has appeared in virtually every courthouse in Southern California, defending bu