Sack Heads Radio Show

America Strong - Apr 20,2013



This Show is dedicated to those victims of the Terror Attack in Boston and the explosion in West Texas to donate to the victimes of the Boston Terror Attacks. This week, we will discuss the Terror Attacks in Boston. The media coverage, the investigation and relfections from Sack Head Shaun on his home town. It is personal this week. We will also discuss the Senate gun ban vote, and the reaction from both sides. Also, The Ricin letters sent to congress and the White House. Ken from the Exception Conservative Show calls in and discusses this weeks topics. That and a whole lot more! Join Clint, Shaun and Soko for what is sure to be a hard hitting broadcast! Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless your listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone to far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sh