Sack Heads Radio Show

Embassy Attacks and Political Fall Out - Sep 15,2012



Hour 1 - After the false start, and do over, we got off to our usual weekly baseball rant to open. Then is was on to the business at hand. Clint and Shaun shared their thoughts on 9/11, the attack and the anniversary. We each discussed the events from our prospective on that tragic day in 2001, then we made our case to have it a national holiday. The ?Sack Heads? heard from "Mr. Politics" via his Hot Tub and discussed the founders, The Whiskey Revolution, and how the federal government under President Washington may have abused the power of taxation. I say "they" meaning Clint and Mr. Politics, Shaun stared into space blankly for about 20 minutes. Rooster from called in to explain how he was attacked! Hour 2 - We discussed the Attacks on American Embassies leading to the death of 4 Americans. We looked at how Muslim Extremists have been attacking Americans for over 225 years, and why these attacks are not a result of a movie, or religous outrage. We delvied into some in other countr