Love Via Hashem

E024 - How to Bless Others



Spiritual Gifts and Talents...Paul was addressing a divisive idea - that spiritual gifts made you better -- gifts by and of the Spirit should be a blessing for others No one who has the Spirit can curse Jesus, and only with the Spirit can you can Jesus is Lord Everyone has their role, everyone is unique - gifts of healing - working of miracles - prophecy (giving of God's message)- preaching --> edify, exhort, comfort - discerning of spirits (knowing the personality of someone aka true colors) - divers kinds of tongues (tongues = earthly vs ecstatic/heavenly/angelic ... gotta have an interpreter present, so it can't be a heavenly language) - interpretation of tongues - faith - unmeasurable amount of trust in God some have multiple Spiritual gifts are the opposite of self-serving. Like a physical gift, it has to be given of HaShem It's one complete body - like a human body - every part has its use ==> no one is useless ... no one should be too proud/boastful of their gift everyone who has a gift, and those who