Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 69: Making America Care Again With NC Congressional Candidate Christopher Schulte



I must admit, President Trump's Make America Great Again motto is perhaps one of the greatest campaign mottoes of all time. But something about the motto has been bugging me lately. I keep asking myself, how can we Make America Great Again when one half of the country hates the other and wants them to leave? How do you reform healthcare when half the country doesn't care if someone doesn't have insurance? How do you reform education when half the country feels they have no responsibility to education poor people? Hell, how do you make the economy better when half of the country thinks if you are poor its your own damn fault? The easy answer is that you can't! As of right now even if one political party came up with the most perfect healthcare solution, the other party wouldn't vote for it just out of spite and not wanting to give them a victory. To truly Make America Great Again we have to Make America Care Again and we do that by electing candidates who realize that having a different opinion about the direc