Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 22: Exposing The Systematic Flaws of The Mental Health & Addiction Industries



For far too long, the short comings of our mental health and addiction industries were only talked about in the counselor's office. Usually it was a conversation with a parent discussion their frustration at insurance not approving treatment, them finding the right program but them not taking insurance and not being able to afford it, or them struggling to fund treatment again when it had previously failed multiple times over. These conversations weren't just with clients, but counselors and other mental health professionals also quietly lamenting about their dissatisfaction with the treatment industry and often times the downright shady practices that many people in this industry are on a daily basis. So why is it that you are really only hearing about this right now? That is because most people complaining about it are people that actually work for a treatment facility or an insurance company and them speaking out against it means jeopardizing their career. Not only that, but many clinicians rly on referral