Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine

Gray Matters Radio Episode 11: Michael Launches A Facebook Psy-Op On His Trump Supporting Friend



So what is a counselor turned radio show host to do when one of his regular guests Ron the Opinionated Veteran taught him the basics of how to launch a psychological operation? Easy, he decides to use it on his Facebook friends and see what happens. Join us as we go over the Psy-Op campaign that Michael waged on his Facebook friends to see how they responded to emotionally charged comments and Michael’s attempt to bring the conversation from the polarized extremes back to the area of the in-between. Joining us in the studio will be the main guinea pig of this experiment, Michael’s friend of over 20 years & unabashed Trump supporter Ryan X. Well maybe he is still my friend…he might just be coming over to beat me up. So either way you are tuning in to Ryan talking about the experiment with us or to the silky smooth sounds of one mans fist hitting another mans face. All in a day’s work at The Gray Matters Studios.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podcasts & TheReport