Ignorance Was Bliss

247 -- A Lot of Free Time -- addiction and sobriety -- with Reid Messerschmidt



I consider it a personal victory when an episode about addiction and recovery can also include phrases such as "Bigfoot porn" and "potted plant."Guest: Reid Messerschmidt, Irrationally Exuberant podcastDisclaimer: Burt Boone, Hayseed JunctionPromo: Listen, Rinse, RepeatArtwork: Reid MesserschmidtFacebook group: The AsylumSponsor: Bath By Bex (code CBDkate for 15% off), BetterHelp online therapy at trybetterhelp.com/IWBMerch: https://bit.ly/iwbpodcastmerchPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/IWBpodcastMusic: DFA by OnlyMeith