Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story 234: The Price Of A Ticket, Or How to Get Into The Movies!



No. We're not talking about buying butter popcorn.  What does it cost creatives we realize making movies is where we wanna' be? This week, Alex and Chris go where no Alex and Chris have gone before!  Kind of ...  For the next several episodes it's going to be: Tell The Damn Story Goes to the Movies!  All of us Creatives get hit with a thunderbolt, that moment when we read or hear or see some thing and say, "I need to do that!" Well, what happens when the thunder bolt hits in the movie theater?   How do you get from watching in the audience to making the dream real and putting it up on the screen? These next episodes we're going to do our very best to help you along the way.  Today's episode: What happens after the thunderbolt? Have questions or comments for us? Post them in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story . #writingservices #WritingSkills #w