Sermons By Ed

Don't Throw Away Your Confidence and Reward



Ed Underwood Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence and Reward! (Hebrews 10:32-39)   “My righteous one shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38). We come to a great transition in the Book of Hebrews as the writer moves from teaching to application. He has masterfully presented Jesus Christ’s superior ministry (6:13-10:18). Proving that Jesus is better than every and any alternative and cautioned them against forsaking him and his followers, the writer now offers the most stern warning: Do not sin willingly and persistently because God severely judges his New Covenant people!  The key Greek term parresia, confidence (vv 19, 35; 4:16) brackets the admonition. The message being that though true believers should live with a healthy expectation of judgment for contemptuous lifestyles that dishonor God and insult the Spirit of grace (v 29)—all who truly believe should desire the confidence that faith in Christ brings to our lives. These paragraphs have a greater purpose than simply warning those who are tempted to walk away f