Nerd Flix & Chill: Game Of Thrones, Star Wars And Beyond!

House of the Dragon: Ep 3 and The Rings of Power: Eps 1 & 2 Recap with Mike Quinn



There is a lot to talk about this week. "House of the Dragon," dropped a fantastic third episode and "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power," made it's debut with the first two episodes hitting Amazon Prime Video. What a time to be a fan of genre storytelling. There is so much to unpack in terms of characters, location names and history, that we decided to bring in some help. In this Nerd Flix & Chill podcast, we enlist the help of veteran "Star Wars" actor and returning guest, Mike Quinn to talk about these two massive show and break down the episodes. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or listen on Stitcher. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.