London Heal

The Art of Warm, Loving Relationships with Fiorella Martin



Warm, loving relationships are essential to our emotional and physical health. In a time where many people are isolated, disconnected and lonely, it's all the more important to learn the art of warm loving relationships. In this week's episode, relationship therapist and coach, Fiorella Martin discusses how virtual relationships are no substitute for the real thing. She shares her insight into the basic fundamentals of all types of relationships and what can go wrong. We discuss the emotional and physical impact of dysfunctional relationships and what constitutes a healthy warm and loving relationship. Fiorella explores the problems with conducting healthy relationships in the modern world and the conditions that have to be met to start repairing damaged relationships. She talks about the value of the love languages and some problems and solutions to aid effective communication between partners. The central issue of creating a warm and loving relationship with yourself to enable such relationships with others