Risen Church Nc

On Loan: Stewardship - Matthew 25:14-19



We all respond to responsibilities in this life differently. Some of us take great amounts of pride in our work and are very possessive over that which belongs to us. In other cases, we are more passive and less concerned about what we should do. All of this falls under the presumption that we answer to no one for our lives and we can do as we please. But if our lives don't really belong to us... If all that we are and all that we have is borrowed and on loan from our Creator... then we cannot escape this eternal accountability and responsibility. The Bible makes it very clear, as creatures made by God, we are all called to be stewards of a life that is from Him and will one day return to Him. In this message, we discuss the subject of stewardship and what it means to be entrusted with God's gifts. The last sermon that Jesus ever preached deals with this very matter, as He looks forward to a judgement day to come, when all of God's servants will give an account for what they did with their lives. Will w