Business Jazz

Why Socks and Shoes Are Critical to Your Business - S8E2



Tony Macken (managing director of "") joins Roger & Paul at the start. He sparks the agenda for this episode. Part 1: If you know what you're trying to achieve, you have a better chance of achieving it. This leads to a discussion about socks, shirts, ties, wardrobe & shoes - including what Tony Macken is wearing. Paul says The male world is divided into - men who put their socks on first (before other clothes) - men who put on socks second last (just before putting on shoes) This opens up discussion about What is the foundation - the anchor - of your image? A company will have a "sock". What is that sock? This leads on to a discussion of the branding of Republic of Work (RoW) in Cork (where this episode was recorded). - the use of the colour blue by RoW Tip: If you want to "own" a colour (like Coca Cola do), you must use that colour throughout your business. What other colour has been chosen consistently by RoW to go with their blue? Tip: If branding is done in an absolutely perfect way, th